Let me start of by telling you that there are probably a gazillion ways to organize your closet. All you need to do is think outside of the box…like seriously way out there. There are so many different tips and tricks. I will share a few of my trusty ones with you all. If you have questions or better suggestions please leave a comment and let me know! I’d love to read them. Having a tiny closet means you have to declutter often. Best solution for those clothes you toss out of your closet is to donate them. That way you know someone will get to enjoy them. Start with a clean slate. Begin by removing each article of clothing and asking yourself the three W’s (Why, When, Where) Why did you buy it in the first place? If it was for an occasion, toss it. Chances are you will never wear it again. When was the last time you wore it? If it was more than a few months ago, toss it. If it’s that easy to forget it is not worth the space in your tiny closet. Where will you wear it again? If you plan on wearing it some time in the near future, toss it. It will never happen, because if you are like me ( insert ashamed face emoji here ) by that time you will have purchased a new article of clothing. After the shock of an empty closet settles, think of arranging the shelves differently or adding new storage options.<— Not to store more but to store smart. Great way to de-stress your closet: matching hangers and color coding. Try out the finger spacing method when arranging your hangers back in the closet. This will make your mornings less stressful when you are trying to get dressed. Tension rods and wire hangers are your closet savior when it comes to storing shoes. Bend the hangers to form an anchor. Insert the anchor edges into the shoe and hang from the rod. Easy and manageable storage for shoes. For more tips and trick, leave a comment below or on our Facebook page at Dennison and Dampier. Follow us on Instagram for home inspirations and more. - Paulina Before After Stress free closet organization. Finger spacing method. Tip: Fold your t-shirts this way instead of stacking to make them all visible and easy to grab.
AuthorsMary Dampier, Tara Dennison and Paulina Brajczewska. Archives
October 2016